Our Vision

We envision a future where all women in America have an equal, inalienable and permanent right to self-determination.

We were never satisfied with the status quo.

Now we have the capacity to challenge it.

It began with a gift. As we explored options for charitable donations—inspired by the impact and example of large, established nonprofits—we found opportunity. We quickly understood that our direct financial support of emerging leaders could spark rapid growth and amplify success. We could be a catalyst for their cause. 

With Lumena, a foundation devoted to uplifting all women, we ensure that every dollar activates organizations fully-aligned with our values. And we’ve set off into our communities to find these sources of light that are poised to break through.

By supplying financial backing without conditions, we enable individuals and organizations to secure and protect the rights of all women—without barriers. Above all, our goal is to accelerate impact.

Because when women thrive, we all thrive.

Our Values

Our values are embedded in all that we do.

Find space for joy.

The work is difficult…at times, discouraging. That’s why it’s essential to celebrate our bond, recognize our impact, and create transcendent moments together.

Act collectively.

Every individual brings a unique perspective. It’s all about working together, learning through shared experience, and pulling in the same direction. 

Stay curious.

Our team of self-starters is driven to shape a brighter tomorrow. We prize big thinking and embrace new approaches that challenge the status quo.

Believe in each other.

We are inspired by passion. Our grantees are driven—and committed to a cause. So are we. We celebrate their example, admire their strengths, and learn from their expertise.

Embrace hope.

Improving the lives of women lifts us all. We believe in the inevitability of progress—we’re just going to have to work for it.

Live out loud.

This is personal for all of us. We aim for transparency and accountability. Be direct, honest, and bold. It matters.
diversity, equity, inclusion

Lumena Foundation is a philanthropic venture that recognizes its position of privilege. With that privilege, we have the responsibility and the power to enshrine true equality—within our office and in our communities. There’s a long journey ahead, and difficult work to be done, but we believe that the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion are fundamental to our goal of achieving a more just society for all.