We envision a future where all women in America have an equal, inalienable and permanent right to self-determination.
We were never satisfied with the status quo.
Now we have the capacity to challenge it.
It began with a gift. As we explored options for charitable donations—inspired by the impact and example of large, established nonprofits—we found opportunity. We quickly understood that our direct financial support of emerging leaders could spark rapid growth and amplify success. We could be a catalyst for their cause.
With Lumena, a foundation devoted to uplifting all women, we ensure that every dollar activates organizations fully-aligned with our values. And we’ve set off into our communities to find these sources of light that are poised to break through.
By supplying financial backing without conditions, we enable individuals and organizations to secure and protect the rights of all women—without barriers. Above all, our goal is to accelerate impact.
Because when women thrive, we all thrive.